Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Working from home...

... sucks.

It sucks. It totally sucks.

It sucks for too many reasons for me to go into right now. I'm sure if you don't work from home you think that it is great. "Work from home? Sure, sounds like a blast!" Nope. No blast. It sucks.

Okay, one reason why it sucks... you can't vent to anyone ("Dude, that's why you have a blog, remember?"). I can't walk over to the next cube or office and vent about some email I get. I can't have eye-to-eye contact with a coworker and just feel good about blasting a bad client or a rotten email from a boss. All I have is the ability to call up a coworker and talk to him over a limited-bandwidth VoIP phone - whilst translating in my head a thick Indian accent. Let me tell ya, that notion kind of takes the wind out of any griping I'll do.

I dunno.

I'm not really digging my job these days. The work sucks. No office camaraderie sucks. I feel so isolated from my boss. He's in Cali. His boss is in Maryland. I feel like I'm in something dead end - I'm not going anywhere. I know that my coworkers, some of whom are just now making the adjustment to working from home, feel the same or worse than I do. Maybe I'm playing fiddle on a sinking ship. Maybe my ship has already sunk.

Dum-dee-da-da-dum... so many reasons right now why I think my job sucks.

It sucks. It totally sucks.

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