Friday, June 19, 2009

"Explore" = "Smash into" at NASA

Yesterday NASA launched the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS). It is going to the moon to survey and look for signs of frozen water blah blah blah... AND SMASH INTO THE MOON!!!


"LCROSS may be one of NASA's most participatory missions. If the spacecraft launches on schedule at 12:51 p.m. Wednesday, it would hit the moon in the early morning hours of Oct. 8. The cloud from the 350 metric tons of debris kicked up by the Centaur booster should spread six miles above the surface of the moon, hitting the sunlight and making it visible to amateur astronomers across North America. The space agency is enlisting telescopes around the country to help monitor the impact."

"The 1,664-pound spacecraft will have the best view. LCROSS will separate from the Centaur booster less than 10 hours before impact and will be less than 400 miles above the moon when the spent rocket booster collides at a speed five times faster than a bullet from a .44 Magnum. NASA plans to stream a live view from LCROSS as the Centaur, followed by the spacecraft, plows into the moon."

Hitting the moon? Booster rockets? Faster than a speeding bullet? Video streaming? .44 Magnum? Centaurs? Hitting sunlight?

Oh man, this sounds like Matrix meets Dungeons & Dragons meets Moon (the upcoming film with Sam Rockwell that I am eagerly awaiting to arrive in L'ville). Can you imagine? Gun-wielding horse-men on the Moon blowing shit up and knocking the shit out of that pesky sunlight!!!

(Did I read the whole story? No, why? Wasn't that what it was all about?)

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