Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

I returned today from a weekend camping trip with my fam. Melisss invited us and mom and dad to spend the weekend in a cottage in General Butler State Park. The cottage was rather cozy, but the trip overall was a blast. There was swimming at the pool, canoeing in the lake, fishing on the shore, putt-putt, touring a historic home, checking out a rather weak observation point, and eating plenty of mom's good cooking.

I'm pretty tired from the trip. I think the kids had a good time. After being home for a few hours we took the kids back to their dad's and then went to Susu's to celebrate family time with them. It was a fun-filled weekend.

But I'm exhausted. My leg hurts from, I think, balancing in the pool while holding Will on my other leg. We played pretty hard this weekend and I'm whipped!

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