Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend Update

Blew off my bank meeting, as earlier reported. Had McDonald's breakfast at Hatler. Did a little painting. Did a little moving. Did a little taxing (our W2s are in hand and I'm itching to get going on the return). Did a little hanging. Went home and showered. Stopped by Toys'R'Us. That place is a madhouse. Picked up the bubble spouting Octopus for bath time. It's a fave (and unfortunately is surprisingly water irresistant [yes, I just made that word up] for being a bath time toy). Ate some yummy dinner (Mmmmmm!). Watched the Cards play Seton Hall. OMG! What about that second half?!? Total lapse. Suspense. Intense. Build up. Ahhhhhhhh. We eventually got ourselves back together. Tomorrow is a new day.

Woke up late on Sunday. Ate a yummy breakfast. The kiddos came over. I got my lazy butt off the couch and went for a run. I know, right?! The wind was stiff. The air was chilly. My legs hated me. I came home and pretty much gorged myself 'til I passed out. Woke up and showered. Helped around the house. Switched out some light bulbs. Messed with an outlet. Fixed a drawer. Ate some leftovers. Folded some laundry. Crushed some cookies. Watched a movie. Relaxing night - very much needed. Wish they could all be like that.

W: 173.6 lbs. | O: 1 flosses, 34 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 2.4 miles

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