Friday, January 20, 2012

From Moody Judy to Happy Pappy

I was such a little whiny bitch yesterday. Nothing seemed to be going right. I was just in a turd of a mood. And I wasn't hiding it all too well. Sorry if you were around me. I know I was being a little bitch. Forgive me?

Today, for whatever reason, I woke up pretty much feeling exactly the opposite of how I felt yesterday. I woke up happy. I went to work happy. And I stayed happy all day. Work was good. Blueberry muffins for breakfast! Cafe Mimosa for lunch! Ran over to the house to get it ready for a showing. That went well. Relaxed after that with loved ones. Plenty of good feeling doing that, duh! Had some kick-ass pizza for dinner (tomato, green pepper, jalapeno, chicken, extra cheese... yes please!). Watched some silly TV snuggled on the couch. Melisssss spent the night 'cause Emma has been sick with the flu all week and it was a blast hanging out with her. We stayed up late watching Jackass 3.

Side note: I fucking love my car. Long story short, I had to pass some assholes in a quick-like manner on the expressway on the way home. I swerved, smashed the gas, and watched idiots fade behind me in my rear view mirror. I looked down at my speedometer... 110 mph!!! I felt like I was going 55. Kick ass!

(Don't worry, I slowed down)

W: 174.2 lbs. | O: 0 flosses, 24 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 0 miles

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