Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shoe Shopping Sunday

Went shoe shopping today at Oxmoor. I was looking for two pairs of new dress shoes, a brown pair and a black pair. The criteria I was working with seemed simple enough: I want shoes with laces, I want shoes with a square toe, and I want shoes with a hard sole (I like people to hear when I'm coming). Easy, right?

Brrrt. Wrong. After three hours I left with zero pairs of shoes - completely empty-handed in fact. I did manage to get some lunch in me. And I saw my friend Casey. And I saw the scowling pharmacist shopping with her mother (still scowling). And I saw my old co-worker Rex jogging on my way there. Fun day - just no shoes.

W: 173.6 lbs. | O: 1 flosses, 26 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 0 miles

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