Monday, January 30, 2012

Taxes, Steaks, and Weight

Left work early to go to the house to ready it for another showing. We shaved $10k off the asking price so hopefully we'll get a bite soon. Hopefully.

During the showing we went out to dinner. Outback Steakhouse. I hadn't been there since high school, maybe college. Unfamiliar with the menu I decided to go with a 6 oz. steak. I mean, the restaurant has the name "steak" in it so I figured it should be a decent piece of meat, right?

Nay. It was a poor cut. It wasn't cooked to my expectations. And it just didn't taste good. Granted, my steak eating is few and far between (the last steak I ate was in New York last year - the one before that was in Amsterdam in 2002). But I know what I like and this pitiful slab of meat just wasn't cutting it. I obviously recommend against the steak.

Went back to Hatler and finished up the taxes. We were already on target to get a decent return. But after inputting charitable donations and noting a loss for my business our return went from respectable to desired. Yay for TurboTax!

So let's talk about this weight of mine. Resolution numero uno stated that I was to keep it under 170 lbs. And yet my weight has steadily been on the rise. Living at home is not helping. Besides having nightly dinners ready for me I also get big boy breakfasts fixed on the weekends. Then there are the sweets - cookies, cakes, ice cream. I'm snacking late at night again and that is simply no good - sweets and chips and snack mix. Eating out everyday at work is also detrimental. I've got to get this eating of mine under control. I assume that the running I will hopefully get going will help offset some of the calories I'm throwing into my bee-bo. Fingers crossed!

W: 175.4(!!!) lbs. | O: 2 flosses, 35 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 2.4 miles

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