Monday, January 23, 2012

A Day To Remember

So I've been playing a lot on my iPhone. I started out with Plants vs. Zombies. That was fun. Moved on to Battleheart and Zombieville USA. Then I started putting time into Risk and Heroes vs. Monsters. Even though I've recently picked up Words and Hanging, I put in a lot of time with Risk.

So this game I started Friday was coming to an end, and not in my favor. As is an accepted tactic, I began the game with Australia and slowly crept over Asia, making surgical strikes along the way. This game was no different than others I've played. Only a few strokes of luck and/or misfortune had me in a predicament.

Let me set the scene. It was down to me and two other players. I begin every game against 5 Hard computer opponents. I lose rarely but when I do it is only against this onslaught. Anyway, Red Army had North America and bits of Europe. Blue Army had South America, Africa, and the other bits of Europe. I had Australia and Asia.

The computer opponents really flip out when Asia is taken. I thought I was prepared for their seven nation army strike. I was wrong. Blue Army broke my Western front and overtook Australia. Red Army marched all over Asia from Europe. By the time my turn rolled around I was relegated to northeastern Asian territories.

I wanted to quit. I had never come back from odds of this nature. Not even close. But I wanted to see who would dominate, Red or Blue. So I turtled up and just passed up turn after turn, slowly growing my army and staying put while the world war raged on around me. Red Army gained the upper hand. Blue Army gained the upper hand. It was a tit-for-tat battle. All the while, Orange Army (me!) was building up.

I made my move. Took over northeast North America. And continued to turtle. Red Army took over Europe. Asia was a broken mess. Blue Army was leading pretty handedly but couldn't muster the might to take down either Red Army or me.

Over time I spread out across North America, reaching into Europe, Asia, and South America. South America was soon taken and I dipped my might into Africa. Then Asia. Red Army dead. Blue Army dead. Orange Army FTW!

Remember when I claimed I'm a fucking general in iPhone Risk? While that claim sums up what I believe to signify my skill at the game, it turns out that wasn't entirely true. However, with this being my 20th win, I am now, in fact, a fucking General.

W: 173.6 lbs. | O: 1 flosses, 27 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 0 miles

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