Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's some kind of "dis" word...

I have this feeling. I'm not sure what it is. But I'm pretty sure it's a "dis" word.

Disassociated? Yes, but it's more than that. Distant? In a way. Discomfort? At times. Dissatisfied? Of course, but who can blame me at this point. Dishonest? No, I've been quite up front with people. Disadvantaged? Not really, although I rarely feel as if I have any upper-hand. Disengaged? Totally - I am in a rut and completely uninspired but it is still more than that. Dystopian (I know, that's a cheat)? It certainly can feel like that at times but no, that's too much. Disconnected? I *do* feel mostly like this - like I can't relate to anyone right now, but there is more to it than just this. Disillusioned? Perhaps, in one way or another. Dissed? Yep, but more than just that. Discombobulated?

Discombobulated. That's it. Confused. Check. Upset. Check. Frustrated. Check.

I knew it was a "dis" word.

W: 174.2 lbs. | O: 0 flosses, 19 brushes| P: 54.81% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.05% (BoA) | R: 0 miles

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