Monday, June 6, 2011

Lazy Sunday

No, I'm talking about "Lazy Sunday", the track by Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell (although that is totally worth its own entry... so many great lines... "Two no Six no Twelve - Baker's Dozen!", "True dat, double-true!", "Snack Attack Muthafucker!", "Mr. Pibb and Red Vines equals crazy delicious", "It's all about the Hamiltons baby"). Ah, always makes me laugh. But alas, no, I'm just blogging about a Sunday that was lazy.

So yeah, lazy Sunday. I got my chores done early and spent the rest of the day vegging on the computer and playing video games. Reminded me of my bachelor Saturdays when I'd start an epic game of Galactic Civilizations 2 in the morning and try to finish it in one sitting before midnight. Ah, those were the days (Were they though? Sounds kind of anti-social, nerdy, and generally unhealthy!).

100% | 176.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 42.74% (156 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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