Monday, June 27, 2011

"I'll be 37 in 8 minutes"

During a task force last night with the Twilight Avengers* I was asked, among many other questions, how old I was. I responded with "I'll be 37 in 8 minutes" and was then met with hearty congratulations from people that were barely anything more than strangers 40 minutes previous. It was very sweet and made me grin ear to ear :)

<nerd alert>
* I began the application process to become a member of the Twilight Avengers, a well-organized and very active group in City of Heroes (actually spans beyond just that game). I am in the "appy process" and ran my first task force with them last night during which I met several new members. During this upcoming two-week period I will meet the members and they will determine whether or not they want to admit me into the group. I was kind of nervous last night but I felt like I connected with a few members so felt pretty at ease by the end of it all.
</nerd alert>

100% | 174.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 48.77% (178 of 365) | 112/50/20 lbs

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