Sunday, October 3, 2010

'Roid Rage!!!

The subject line of this post is very misleading. I'm not raging by any means. And the steroids I am loosely referring to are not the type that professional athletes illegally use (wow, that word has 4 L's... which reminds me... Pat pointed out that hitchhiker has not just 2 H's in it but has a total of 3 H's). In fact, these steroids have been prescribed to me.

Well, believe it or not, I went back to the immediate care center yesterday after suffering aches and pains, a fever Friday night, and continuously filled ears. The doctor said that my ears were no longer infected so he said that the antibiotic worked and prescribed me the steroids to help clear things out.

Wow! I've been on them for just over 24 hours and I feel GREAT!!!

I'm hoping that illness has left the building for a while. And by building, I mean me.

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