Friday, September 17, 2010

Star Wars: Clone Wars

Shhh, don't tell Will, but I watched the season premiere of the 3rd season of the animated show Star Wars: Clone Wars. It was pretty sweet. It was a two-parter and it was very entertaining. Clones. Jedi. General Grievous. Asajj Ventress. Droids. Blasters. And I love to make fun of Lucas and his inability to make movies (I won't knock his toy-empire-building ability) so I'll come out and say that it had more story than any of the three prequels.

On that note, I would love to see someone do something with the Star Wars franchise without ol' Georgie getting his fingers all over it. In fact, I'd love to see two things: Battlefront 3 released on XBox 360 and Spielberg direct episodes 7 through 9. And while I'm wishing, I would hope that they would base the next three sequels on Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy. Just sayin'...

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