Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Halo: Reach

At midnight last night I drove up to Gamestop with my receipt in hand to pick up the Xbox game "Halo: Reach", the last installment in Bungie Studio's Halo series. I drove over to Will's dad's house and, like a summertime Santa Claus, dropped it off at the front door. I got back to the house around 1AM and finished watching the late Monday Night Football game (the Chiefs won?! Seriously!?!?). I woke up to a txt from Will this morning exclaiming "Ty ty ty for droping [sic] it off". In this day and digital age (and from a 14-year old boy), that's about as close as I'll get to a big, appreciative bear hug.

I've done well. Who's the step-dad of the year? Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment... it's ME!

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