Tuesday, January 5, 2010

CRV died, Granny did not

So, as my last post reported, Mom called Sunday morning and the feeling that I got was that I was going to be going to the hospital to see my Granny for the last time. More on that in just a bit.

On the way to pick up my sister my car (not the Jeep, but the CRV... so weird since "my car" has meant "the Jeep" for the last 12 years) sputtered a bit. Engine lights lit up (and I imagined klaxons blasting in my head). I was in Mimi and Poppy's neighborhood so I pulled in front of their house. More on that later - back to Granny.

We got to the hospital and Granny was on a ventilator. She was awake but she looked so bad. Her poor arms were swollen and cracked. They were bloody from her attempts to pull out her IV and the nurses' efforts to reinsert. It was just too much for me. I held it together for a moment but my sister's voice cracked and I lost it. I cried like a baby. Sheesh, I cried (not as much or as hard at Matt, though... he won the award). A lot of family was there and it was good to have everyone so close. Mom and I told Granny to keep on fighting and she would be able to go home and relax in her own bedroom. Were we lying to her for hope's sake? I didn't really know. I was buying into it. Now back to the Jeep.

I had it towed and was fearing a four-figured bill. Based on what I had read and heard it may have been a problem with the transmission. They called back and said that they needed to run a full diagnostic. They said that not always, but most of the time, that meant that there was something majorly wrong with the car. When they called back, I was tickled to hear that my problem fell in the aforementioned "not always" category. There was oil blockage but nothing mechanically wrong. My oil was low and very dirty and that was the culprit. I had them fix me up (and also had the rotors smoothed and new brake pads installed) and walked out of there for a fraction of what I thought I was going to have to pay. Back to Granny.

They sedated her all day long yesterday because they wanted to keep the breathing tube in. She was breathing on her own but they wanted to be sure. She had the tube removed this morning. Her heart rate is steadying. It's not strong, but it's steady. And I think she is producing more output (that's hospital lingo for "she's peeing"), so those kidneys aren't done yet.

I'm going to see her after I swing by the house and pick up Jooj. That old lass has some fight left in her still! With a little luck, we'll get her back home to live out what days she has left! :)

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