Saturday, January 9, 2010

Funeral in the Snow (200th post)

We headed down to Muhlenberg county this morning at 7:30 AM. We arrived at the hotel where everyone was staying and handed out morning greetings. Mom and dad sprung for breakfast at Huddle House. We hung out at the hotel for a bit longer before caravanning over to the funeral home.

Granny looked so good. The memories of the past week or more of her physical appearance during her weakening condition were erased by the familiar face that peacefully laying in the casket. It was good to see her again for a last time.

I held it together for a good while. But when the organist played "Jesus Loves Me" I completely lost it. It brought back so many wonderful memories of me and my Granny as a kid. I was sitting next to my cousin Rachel and she was a balling mess. Seeing my loved ones upset only upset me more. I cried pretty hard.

The service was short and sweet. Uncle Paul sang two songs and did a tremendous job with each of them. I was a pall bearer and was so, so proud to be able to participate in bringing her "home".

The burial was very short. It was so cold. And snowing. I am positive it is the coldest funeral I will ever attend in my lifetime.

Mom, dad, Melissa, Jeremy, her kids, Jooj, Will, Kelsey, and I all went to the Dockside Catfish House (I have no idea what the place was called but that's what I'm calling it). We shared a great, deep-fried meal and then hit the road.

I'm home and I'm so tired. It was a long day. It was a day I will never forget. It was the last day I will ever lay an eye on my Granny. She's been with me all of my life. She was more than a grandmother to me. She's been a second mother. No one will ever replace her spot in my heart. I will honor her memory by trying to live a she lived by offering compassion and patience to any who ask for it.

Oh yeah, and this is my 200th post. I wonder how long I'll keep at this? It's been a fun ride so far so I guess I'll keep it rollin' :D

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