Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'd hate to be a hospice rep

Good news! Granny left ICU this morning and was back in a posh room in the oncology unit. And Granny is coming home as early as tomorrow.

The bad news is... pretty much everything else about the situation. Her monitors and IVs were removed. The nurses have confirmed that she is in, what they call, the Active Phase of Dying. According to the literature I read, it appears that this phase lasts about 2 days on average. I mean, it can't be reliably determined so we don't know how long Granny has. But the realization that there is precious little time left is hitting pretty hard. With luck, she'll last the night and be able to get home - if hospice can make things happen as fast as they claim.

We spoke with the hospice rep today. Aunt Nancy and mom were both upset. The rep said that she was at her sixth hospital for the day. Ugh. I can't imagine being the person that discusses all of these end-of-life decisions with people. How horrible. I mean, she must have a big heart and Gawd bless people like her. I'm just saying that I couldn't do it.

I will probably ramble on if I don't stop. I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow.

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