Friday, October 30, 2009

First week at Genscape

So I finished my first week at Genscape and I'm loving it. I think my coding skills rusted a bit over the last two years as the projects dried up at ServicePower. I've hit the ground running at Genscape and am so invigorated to be working on new, exciting stuff. I find their product to be so darn interesting. And the project I'm working on will have have an impact that can be noticed - not just another cog in some lumbering webapp. I'm going to love working for the R&D department. I really love going into work (and even enduring the drive downtown).

Genscape is such a great place. The office is hip and modern. The people there are either young, energetic, or young and energetic. It feels like a start-up but has the financial backing to not have to worry about being a start-up :) I have two monitors (one is just so early-2000s). I love the team that I'm on (Dev) as well as the team that I work with (R&D). We have a kick-ass kitchen. Lunch is catered/ordered in on Fridays. We have a candy drawer and a beer fridge (and holy shit, the beer fridge has one of my old incuBusiness magnets on it!!!!!!111!!!one!!11!!!!). We have an office dog named Buzz. I mean, sheesh, this is what the modern office environment should be.

Today we actually didn't order out but instead had a pot luck luncheon. I knew there were some vegetarians in the office (and assumed a few more lurked about) so I whipped out my Spicy Spinach & Black Bean Lasagna. It was a hit! And the rest of the vittles were top-notch. It was so good.

And I learned a very important thing today. I didn't have a way to heat up my casserole dish but the receptionist (Amy, the owner of Buzz) showed me a trick of placing the dish on the griddle. It worked like a charm!!!

Tomorrow's post will be a bit more somber though... an ode to the Jeep, who's 12-year relationship with me may be drawing to a close...

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