Saturday, October 31, 2009

Behind Door #3 is... A BRAND NEW CAR!!!

We opted for what was behind door number 3 today - kind of. Jooj had been talking about getting a new (new as in "used") car for a few weeks. With Kelsey turning 16 and my work schedule we knew that we wouldn't be able to rely on the Jeep. I feared that my time with the Jeep was winding down and I was sad, but also excited about the thought of a new car.

Well, Jooj found a red Honda Civic online that she liked and we went to check it out today. It was a 2-door 2004 EX - very sporty and a little flashy. It had 55K miles on it, rode well, and was in our price range. After the test drive I asked the dude to take us inside and go over some paperwork. We did.

But then we hit a snag (don't worry, it turns out well). Another person was already "in the back" getting her financing straightened out for THE VERY SAME CAR! We had every right to just walk away. But the sales dude really wanted a new pair of shoes so he cut us a deal. He offered another 2004 Civic EX - gray, 4-door, and with just 33K miles... for right about $1000 more than what we were going to pay for the first car (a substantial discount from the sticker price).

We considered it. We test drove. We went inside. We did some paperwork. We opted for what was behind door #3. And we walked away with Jooj's new car!

And the best part of this story? Well, besides Jooj getting her little Civic, I not only get to share the CR-V with Kelsey (so I kind of get a new car) but I also get to keep my beloved (piece of sh!t) Jeep! Life is good.


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