Friday, November 21, 2008

Greatest. Survivor Moment. Ever.

I've watched my fair share of the reality series Survivor. I've skipped episodes here and there and I've skipped whole seasons too. But in the years of watching Survivor I have never seen such a moment of PWNAGE as I did last night.

Randy is an ass. He is a racist and an alcoholic and an all-around loser. He is a snake and sniveling. I actually think that he'd played a good game up until last week. But he started firing his mouth off and became a real pain in the backside.

So he concocted this plan to be an even bigger ass, hoping that Bob was going to find the hidden immunity idol and then be willing to give it to him. For some reason, after Bob returned from exile, he confided in Sugar (who has the hidden immunity idol... and why wouldn't she? the opposing team sent her to exile, like, five times in a row) that he made a fake immunity idol. Who knows why? Maybe he wanted to try and flush out whether or not Sugar has it. But that's beside the point. The fake idol looked awesome and really authentic.

Sugar told him to give the idol to Randy but not to tell anybody. He did and Randy completely fell for it. At tribal council Randy kept his mouth going and went into the vote thinking that he was safe. When Jeff asked if anyone had the hidden immunity idol he stood up with much bravado and swaggered over to hand it to Jeff. Jeff recited the rules of the hidden immunity idol and promptly threw the fake into the file. The votes were read and Randy was voted out of the tribe - the utter look of chagrin smearing the face of him and Corinne. The rest of the tribe were caught unaware and were cracking up. The jury was cracking up. I think Bob felt a little bad. And Randy was spitting fire!

Sugar, FTW!

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