Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I hate Vicki

Just a quick entry. One of the few shows that I regularly watch is "Biggest Loser". My wife and I devote every Tuesday night to it. This year the Blue team, Bob's team (love Bob, he's great), has a two-couple alliance and I don't like any of their attitudes. I hate Vicki and Brady and I don't care for Heba either. And then after the challenge last night Ed, Heba's husband, is back on. Ugh!!! It was really looking like one of these wankers was going to win. And I just can't sit there idly and watch either Vicki or Heba win!

Well, last night, Amy C. (the only member of Blue that isn't exclusively part of the gang) took her mom's advice and took matter into her own hands. Michelle and Brady were on the block and Amy C. switched her vote to side with the Black team. That forced a tie in the votes and since Brady had the least amount of weight lost, it was bye-bye for Brady. Take that, Vicki!!!

I hate you, Vicki >:)

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