Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pan's Labyrinth

I watched Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth last night. Wow. Wow! WOW!!!

It has been suggested to me time and time again. And I've owned it for quite some time. While I am no stranger to subtitles, I guess that is the reason I haven't watched it. I rarely go on solo movie watching missions these days. Jooj doesn't care for them and I don't think that is quite old enough. Kelsey wouldn't mind them but we haven't gone through enough of my non-subtitled DVDs yet. So, in a nutshell, that's why I hadn't watched it.

I don't know what to say about it. I don't want to give a single inkling of a bit away. I think everyone should go see this movie. It's in Spanish, yes, and there is no English dub track, just English subtitles. But the movie is stupendous. I actually cried (although they were tears of joy for what the... well, I can't really say w/o giving something away... let's just say after the last thing Capitan Vidal says). After watching it I went back and watched parts of the movie with with del Toro's narration track. I can't wait to watch this with Kelsey. Hell, I can't wait to watch this with ANYONE!

I will highly, highly recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. I can't wait to see what del Toro does with The Hobbit. His Hellboy movies, IMO, really knocked it out of the park! Muy bien!

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