Monday, August 25, 2008

Maker's Mark pieces done

Whew! It's been tough but the two Maker's Mark pieces, "Bottle to Barrel" and "Red Wax Dip", are done. I'll post pix once I take them and have linkies. Here are a few things I've learned in the studio over the last few weeks:

1. I don't like Raw Umber - Raw Umber sucks just as bad as Burnt Umber when it comes to applying the paint. Both suck less than just about any shade of yellow but only because yellow requires at least 2 coats and possibly more. Why can't everything work as well as Cadmium Red?

2. Golden Raw Umber is best - Of the different brands of Raw Umbers I tried the one that I liked best was from Golden. Not Liquitex. Not Winsor & Newton.

3. Brushes survive the dishwasher - Due to an innocent mixup ("Put everything in the sink into the dishwasher") my daughter put two of my prized brushes into the dishwasher. They survived and work just fine :)

4. What goes into a dog... - Paint goes into a dog one color but always comes out brown. Colored pencils go into a dog one color and retain that color. Sharpies make a mess going into a dog but do not kill them. Oh, and when a rope is sticking out of your dogs butt, pull it but don't yank.

5. Procrastination - I am and will forever be a procrastinator. No matter how much I try I simply cannot shake it.

"Procrastination is like masturbation... you're just screwing yourself."

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