Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Marley... the new addition to the family!

Will has a bearded dragon at his father's house named Marlin. He's had him for a few years. His buddy, whose dad breeds bearded dragons, offered to send him home with another one - a female. We've decided to name her Marley.

I've never had a reptile as a pet so I'm relying on Will's expertise. She seems to be doing well. She has a pretty nice setup, thanks to Feeder's Pet Supply. I hope she lives a long and prosperous life.

As for the layoff ('cause you knew I was going to mention it), my best guess is that it will happen Thursday morning. I get paid on the 15th and 30th of each month and Thursday is the 30th. We'll see...

Oh, and Pat, I feel for you. That sucks. And it sucks levels of magnitude more if *other* people managed to earn bonuses and raises :(

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