Friday, July 24, 2009

Bombs dropped (so much for karma)

Mom called pretty early this morning and dropped a bomb. She told me that Melissa, my pregnant sister, was on her way to the ER after her fifth day of suffering a fever. Fifth?!? Sweetie, at some point you gotta stop putting your faith in those holistic kooks and rely on good ol' science. The wonders of science gave you your first born. Don't turn your back on it now. She's tested negative so far for everything and the baby seems strong and well. She's being tested for swine flu and an infectious disease doctor is going to see her tomorrow. Swine flu? Seriously?

But the day was far from over and the Enola Gay had not yet delivered her payload.

Amid the layoffs and the rotten work load and the working from home (not the mention the fact that something who could/would be in the "know" told me I'd be losing my job soon) and numerous other unmentionable red flags, I have slowly come to realize that my job may be in jeopardy.

Well, Alex, I'll take "Layoffs" for $400.

"This person will be losing his job, most likely later next week."

Do I need to give you my answer now - and do I *really* have to offer it in the form of a question?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :(

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