Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Granny news is bad

Granny has rectal cancer. "Rectal cancer! Isn't that what killed Farrah Fawcett?" you may ask. Yes, yes it is. The butt-cancer is getting my Granny :(

They are still running tests and taking scans so we don't know how bad and all of that. But based on her white blood cell count the doctor is nearly certain that it is cancer and fairly certain that it is spreading aggressively. If it has reached her liver then the rectal cancer has reached Stage 4. I probably don't have to bother to mention that there isn't a Stage 5 :(

I'm going to cut out after work (hell, I don't think I'll last much longer than "after lunch") and go see her. I know a lot but don't have many details. So I can't say more for certain without talking to mom or surgeons or doctors.

I guess the best case scenario, at this point, is that Granny is able to live pain-free for as long as possible - whether it will be in a home or at home with my mom and dad has not been determined yet. Worst case... well, everything and anything besides what I just said was the best case.

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