Monday, November 16, 2009

"Gravity-y-y-y-y-yyy on me, Never let me down, Gently"

I've been reading over my blog posts over the last month or so and I'll be the first to point out that I've lost a little of my zing. I think I was suffering a little mixture of anxiety and stress. I was stressed from going a little longer than I wanted to without a job while watching those numbers in our budget slide downward. I was also dealing with the anxiety of the possibility of none, one, or two job offers that I was hoping were going to be slapped on the table. It all worked out in the end but things were kind of rocky in my head.

And then once I got the job I've been hard at work. Really hard. Head down, nose-to-the-grind hard. Not stay-late, burn-the-candle-at-both-ends hard. But hard enough to drain the wacky, creative, off-the-wall (have I hyphenated enough in this paragraph?) juices out of my posts.

For that, I apologize to my loyal reader(s) and to my future self who goes back to read these (and to the future editor of my memoirs for when you write them after I get mega-famous for doing whatever it is that gets my name in the history books). But I promise to being wackier, creativier, off-the-wall-ier, and zingier.

For example, I've been doing a lot of yard work. And while doing yard work I've been listening to a lot of music, old and new. I came across the quote from the Gorillaz first album and thought to myself, "How true!"

Gravity *never* lets anyone down gently :)

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