Monday, May 18, 2009

Beam my two thumbs up!

I have been blogging less recently and for that I apologize. I apologize to my loyal reader (you know who you are, Pat :) and I apologize to my future self who is clicking through reading these. I'm sorry, me, for not putting more details about my life these days. I'm busy working. The kids and Jooj are ending school. The Jeep died but just needed a new battery. The kitten is doing better and the pets are well. Our families are good. You are playing video games, being a good dad, being a good husband, fighting with the neighbor's kids, painting, staying up late, and generally enjoying life. So, future self (and Pat), from the past (now) to now (actually, the future), I say, "Don't sweat the details - things are going fine!"

And while I'm on the subject of my future self receiving messages from my past self (while avoiding any discussion whatsoever of time traveling paradoxes and the impossibility of time travel itself), let me take some time to say that I saw Star Trek yesterday with Jooj and it was...


I will not give anything away... well, other than the fact that you may have inferred that there is some sort of time traveling involved due to how I tied that last bit in. But regardless (or irregardless as Jooj and I joke... HOLY SHIT, Firefox doesn't flag irregardless as incorrectly spelled?!?! What is this world coming to?), it is an awesome movie and has totally reinvigorated my love for Star Trek.

I'll blog another review after I take Will and the boys. I can't wait!

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