Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad news times two

Weird day yesterday.

Jooj met up with Kelsey and her father for her doctor appointment. They walked in with questions about her tics. They walked out with a diagnosis. Poor Kelsey suffers from Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. She's on the same meds as dad. Jooj, like any mom wanting nothing but the best for their child, took it pretty hard. I txt'ed Kels but never heard back. My guess is that she just wants to get back to normal life (as normal as it can be for a 15-year old grrrl).

Later, when I was telling her the news about Kels, my sister Melisss told me that her husband will be losing his job. She gave me a loose timeframe of the next 60 days to 18 months. We both agreed that he's a smart chap with his MBA and shouldn't have too much trouble finding new employment.

When I spoke with him later the situation seemed a bit more grim. He keeps his job until March 6th and that's it. He gets some time with full pay and then some time with severance. But I'm sure he won't be able to relax and enjoy it in this shaky economy and with another mouth on the way (did I mention that Melisss just found out she's preggers with number 2?).

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