Monday, October 13, 2008


Julie and I were both sick over the weekend. I think that we have the same stomach bug. She stayed home from work today and that is very much not like her. Will went to bed early with a headache and body aches. He got up for school and showered but ultimately decided to stay home too. That is most definitely not like him since he had perfect attendance last year. And poor Kelsey is going back to the orthodontist today to have a piece of her new hardware reattached to her bracket. My poor family :(

We were able to drag out most of the decorations this weekend for the Halloween party though. I hung all of the lights and they look spectacular. There are still a few more I need to buy. And I still need to go to the fabric store to finish up my costume. I'd tell you what it is but that would ruin the surprise :)

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