Friday, October 10, 2008

Movie news...

I read a lot. I surf a lot (web, not waves, bro'). And I really like movies. So it is natural that I spend some amount of time reading about movies - future, past, and present. So I'm going to sound off (in alphabetical order) on some projects that have me interested...

The Good, The Bad, The Weird - This stylized "noodle Western" remake of the classic "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly" is shaping up to be something special. The trailer had me interested and the buzz I'm reading really has me excited. I'm a sucker for anime and this live-action fare from the Far East looks like it can fit right in.

"Island of the Dead" - I've heard rumblings that George A. Romero (you know, creator of "Night of the Living Dead", "Dawn of the Dead", "Day of the Dead", "Land of the Dead", and "Diary of the Dead"... yeah, *that* guy) is working on a new zombie movie. This one supposedly takes place on an island. I could care less... it's freakin' George A. Romero doing another freakin' zombie movie! Woohoo!!!

Max Payne - I love movies and I love video games. But I am not really a fan of video game-inspired movies (and, besides "Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay", am an avid hater of movie-inspired video games). But this video game adaptation is looking pretty sweet. While I have never played a Max Payne video game I am familiar with the game mechanics (lots of shooting and action in bullet time). I'm not sure if this ties in with any story arc from the game, which may piss off some fanboys, but what I've seen so far looks very interesting.

RocknRolla - I'm a Guy Ritchie fan. I admit it. He wooed me with "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" and then swept me off my feet with "Snatch". I've lucked out and somehow missed his subsequent movies. And I say lucked out because people say they are crap. But RocknRolla looks good and people have a positive buzz so I'm getting excited. It's been a long time Guy...

Role Models - Funny. Stiffler and the heart-broken funny guy from "The 40-year Old Virgin" together in a movie together? That sounds funny enough. But have you seen the trailer? OMFG! I peed my pants (just a little squirt... nobody noticed and it dried quickly) when I saw the little kid's drawing. If you've seen it, yes, the caption on his drawing did in fact read, "Beyonce pouring sugar on my dick." Comic gold!

The Spirit - I liked Miller's and Snyder's "300" (and yes, I know that people refer to it as "war porn"). And I really like Miller's/Rodriguez's/Tarantino's "Sin City". Both were so vivid and beautiful to watch. I'm not so sure how I feel about "The Spirit" since it looks a lot like "Sin City" (hey, aren't they working on a sequel?) and I'm not as familiar with the comic as I was for "Sin City". I'll see it. I'm just not as stoked as some.

Watchmen - Holy shit. Zack Snyder could propel himself to god-like status if he pulls this off. The Watchmen is, hands down, the best comic I've ever read. It was Alan Moore's masterpiece. If you are reading this and haven't read it then just stop. Nothing I have to say is worth keeping you from going out right now and buying it. The month of March cannot come any faster.

Where the Wild Things Are - So what's going on with this movie? From what little I've seen it looks like Spike Jonze has one helluva movie. But I've heard a lot of things about the studio wanting to meddle with it. They don't like the monsters? They don't like Max? WTF? Just let Spike do his thing and count your bags of money when the movie comes out.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - Seth Rogen and Kevin Smith? C'mon, you gotta be kidding me. I think that Kevin Smith is a bit of a hack but I like his movies. Seth Rogen is comedies Golden Child right now. A movie about making amateur porn? And the supporting cast? There is 0 chance this movie *won't* be funny.

So, there are my thoughts on future flicks. I'm ready to watch something. Maybe I'll watch "Rushmore" with the wife tonight.

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