Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life seems like a smudged blur

I remember when I was a kid I had playtime, dinner time, bath time, time to go to bed, time to get up, breakfast time, outside time, lunchtime, and nap time. Everything seemed to have its own time allotment and fit like LEGO blocks into their respective slots in the day. These days, not so much.

First off, let me say that this is not a complaint. I am not bellyaching about this. I'm just making an observation here. That said, whereas life as a child appeared to be a box of crayons with it's tidy scheduling division wrapped up into a nice box of 8 (or 64 with a crayon sharpener if you were so lucky), life these days appears to be overlapping streaks of crayon marks, smudged further together by the pressing fingers of the confining hours of a single day.

It all starts with waking up. After that it is a melody of feeding dogs, showering, working, feeding kids, spending time with wife, playing, skating, reading, painting, talking, listening, arguing, feeding cats, watching, playing more, parenting, learning, taking medicine, cleaning, planning, saving, budgeting, emailing, feeding myself, gaming, sleeping, and finding enough time to spend a few quality moments with my wife and also for myself.

Life is hectic. But in the chaos I find a good amount of challenging fun. "Hard fun", as the wise Matthew Barzun used to say. In time, with kids gone off to start their own lives and responsibilities shifting, things will slow. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the blur and bear witness to its sublime, chaotic beauty.

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