Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

It's Valentine's Day today. It's also my anniversary (the date, not the actual year-mark... 2 years and 7 months if you are keeping count). We're also expecting our third round of significant snowfall tonight. Heck, the snow from the last storm is still on the ground. Jooj's parent/teacher conferences were cancelled. She snow-danced :)

It was a really great week with the family. Kels was in a great mood. I spent a ton of time with Will. The three of us watched the classic (yet super cheese) "Flash Gordon". Kels and I also watched "Zombieland". Funny, funny stuff.

I'm also the proud owner of the most expensive box I've ever purchased - $742. It's a pretty box. I have it sitting on my bookshelf. It also came with a free icon. And it sits proudly in my dock on my Mac. Oh, and by the way, it opens Adobe Photoshop CS 4 :)

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