Monday, September 22, 2008

Ike beat us like Tina

Louisville may be hundreds of miles from any coast but that didn't keep Hurricane Ike from bitch-slapping our city around a bit. Ike raised his pimp-hand and we took the force of his winds - up to 75 mph - all afternoon on Sunday. We lost power. Everybody lost power. Half of Louisville lost power (and some still don't have it). The amount of damage was pretty unbelievable. Trees were down everywhere. Power lines were down. Poles were smashed. Cars were smashed. It was pretty neat actually :)

But we got it back after only a couple of days. We lost some things in the fridge but managed to save the important stuff (meat and beer). The kids were out of school an entire week. Kelsey stayed with friends mostly. Will and I made the best of it. Julie loved being off work. We all loved it!

But things are back in action and settling back to normal. I know that Ike caused massive damage in Galveston and the surrounding areas of Texas. But I'd like to thank Ike for giving my family an only slightly stressed late-summer break.

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