Monday, August 15, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your... (UPDATED)

Engines. And by "engines" I actually mean classes.

Due to the first day of school being called off for JCPS (hasn't happened in 30 years according to the news) Jooj is starting her first day tomorrow. Kels is starting her first day of classes as a college student tomorrow. And Will is starting with a half-day tomorrow as a new student in high school.

New job. Freshman college student. Freshman high school student. The word of 2011 in the Brinley household is CHANGE.

Fortunately (for work at least), I am not planning on changing anything about my job anytime in the foreseeable future. Of course, with the trials that we've gone through and the personnel that we chew through (and the fact that I'm still standing tall among the people that have come and gone both before me and during my tenure) I am nearly expecting some sort of compensation for my effort in ensuring that things run as smoothly as can be run with the skeleton crew we have running this Super Oil Tanker (and I do mean SUPER as in DUPER... we hit our goal for the year last week - w00t). I won't be a douche bag and get all "I'm entertaining other offers" if something significant doesn't happen. I would like to think that my boss and the people above him understand the, dare I say, vital role I play in our group's success.

Look at me... I'm sounding like a pompous ass. Don't mean too - I promise.

UPDATE: Holy carp! Jooj has another day off tomorrow?!? Well, scratch what I said up above about you, Jooj.

100% | 174.71 lbs. (177.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 62.19% (227 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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