Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's been a surreal 36 hours

The week started with bagels. Things went weird from there. Not weird/bad. Just weird/weird. Dustin Kensrue can sure pick that guitar and play that harmonica. Breakfast for lunch. Stories told. Appetite gone. Heads buzzin'. Did you have to get your sh!t together? (I thought you did :) I really, really like purple Sweet Tarts. Why can't they all be purple? It's a comforting thing to see i2i with someone else. Comfort - great word. Emoticons rule :P Crazy thoughts cause troubled sleep. Where are we going? I already know the answer. Nowhere. Morning madness. Double trouble. Adventure time! Cupcakes are delicious, even when uneaten. Intense. Amazing. Relieving? Eh, maybe. Still going nowhere? Definitely. Cannot question. Nowhere *is* the destination. Construction workers tell it like it is. Amen, brothers! We are in trouble, Mister! We are in trouble, Sister! Leftover 'ritos are better the next day. Good company. Always (always). Imagination runs wild. Let it run, let it run, let it run. Viva? Indeed, sir. Viva la Mexico! If only...

Sheesh, it's already 1AM and I've been writing this nonsense for 90 minutes? Does this make any sense? Perhaps there is sense in the nonsense but only if you don't try to make any sense of it ;)

I need sleep. I hope for good dreams tonight - better yet, great dreams. Maybe I'll dream of you (we have unfinished business, you and I... muwahahahaha)!


100% | 174.6 lbs. (177 lbs.) | 0% (0 of 128) | 16% (8 of 50) | 58.63% (214 of 365) | 112/55 lbs.

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