Saturday, September 17, 2011


mis·er·ry [miz-uh-ree]

noun, plural -er-ries
1. wretchedness of condition or circumstances.
2. distress or suffering caused by need, privation, or poverty.
3. great mental or emotional distress; extreme unhappiness.
4. a cause or source of distress.
Synonyms: ache, agony, anguish, anvil chorus, bad news, blues, depression, desolation, despair, despondency, discomfort, distress, dolor, gloom, grief, hardship, headache, heartache, hurting, melancholy, pang, passion, sadness, sorrow, squalor, stitch, suffering, throe, torment, torture, twinge, unhappiness, woe, worriment, worry, wretchedness
Antonyms: cheer, delight, fun, gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure

(I am both the source and the recipient.)

87.3% | 174.71 lbs. (171.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 71.23% (260 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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