Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Haps

So enough with these cryptic, one-word entries, right?

Jooj and I got into a big fight. She asked that I not blog. So I tried to sum up the following days (well, previous at this point) with a single word that conveyed my feelings or actions on that day. As information has trickled out to our friends and family and loved ones I think many people have heard pieces of the story of what's going on.  Well, with Jooj sitting at my side, we're here to set the record straight (and let me continue to use multi-worded blog entries).

As married couples sometimes do, we got into a big nasty fight. Some ugly things were said and feelings were hurt. Ultimately, over the course of the last 10 days or so, we've decided to do our best to work things out. She and I have continued to live under the same roof. We still love each other very much. She and I are speaking with a counselor together. She is also seeing someone individually. We know what is at stake. We love our kids, our families, our lives, our pets (except Toby), our house, and the whole enchilada. So we are going to fight to find that understanding that will allow us to get back into each others arms for good.

I love each and every one of you very much (yes, even you weirdos that anonymously read my blog even though I may not know you... and especially you, future self - hey there, buddy!) and hope that our bickering hasn't hurt anyone else out there. And I hope reading this entry puts a few hearts at ease.

This whole ordeal has wrecked my sleep. And let's not even begin to talk about my 14-year old complexion. My stress has decreased so my stomach has gone from "full of razors" to "full of knots". I've also heard through the grapevine that the fam took Thanksgiving away from us. Oops! Lastly, for the record, I'm not growing a beard - I'm just not shaving.

On a happy note, I'd like to welcome wee baby Flora into the world. Congratulations, Patrick and Brigid! We love you!

92.1% | 174.57 lbs. (172.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 73.97% (270 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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