Thursday, January 20, 2011

Terrible != Horrible

This was just another day of life. Everything was pretty vanilla. Well, maybe except for the fact that 4" of snow fell today. That was cool - for sure! But that isn't enough to make a super cool blog entry so here is an insight into how this mad little mind of mine works.

So over Christmas I had a strange thought (a normal thought in my opinion but you can be the judge). The word "terrible" and the word "horrible" seem to be pretty synonymous in my book. Both mean "bad" for the most part, right? Now I don't assume to know latin word roots but bear with me on this.

Horrible means bad, right? I normally use it when I'm talking about an experience or a taste or a smell. I assume it comes from the word "horror". Seems like a reasonable assumption.

Terrible means bad as well, right? I normally use it when I'm talking about an experience or a taste or a smell also. I assume it comes from the word "terror". Also, it seems like a reasonable assumption.

So let's take this one step further and I'll show you just how weird my thoughts can get...

If "horror" is the root to "horrible" is it unreasonable to think that it is also the root of "horrific". Make sense, yes? So if "terror" is the root of "terrible" is it unreasonable to think that it is also the root of... "terrific"???

I just blew your mind, right?

I'm probably going to stop speculating and just look that up now.

20 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 176.02 lbs. (175.5 lbs.) | 39.91% | 4.726% (8.8 lbs.)

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