Monday, January 17, 2011


Wow, so much can happen in 24 hours. I seems like last week that I made my last blog entry. And I'm talking really about anything of consequence. Just been busy. First thing is first though - no heartburn! Yay. Everything from this morning until now was important in its own right but just not really that blog-worthy. Maybe after blogging everyday for six months I will be reduced to telling you that I went to Lowe's and then the grocery... but not today. Today, I have something a little more interesting to share.


This is the name of the new TV series that I think I'll be watching (Archer and Justified are on their way, mind you). This show is an hour-long show chronicling the lives of two morbidly obese folks over the course of six months as they try to find ways to lose their weight. I am guilty of watching fatties on TV - this is true. But my problem with the Biggest Loser is it is a two-hour investment every week. This show is like an abbreviated, miniature Biggest Loser season each week. I think I like!

Speaking of "Loser" and "miniature", anybody else notice that I've dropped 4 pounds in 6 days? Kinda weird. I feel like I've lost about half of what I am capable of losing during this Biggest Loser competition in the first week alone.

17 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 176.26 lbs. (174.5 lbs.) | 39.91% | 0.00% (0 lbs.)

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