Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fear Biter

I had planned on blogging about shaving my nearly-four week old beard (the damn thing got too itchy last night). After I weighed myself this morning I may have blogged about how I gained 1.5 pounds overnight. Kels even deserves kudos and her own blog entry for her awesome report card (I suppose the "bonus" money we transferred into her account will suffice). No, today I will blog about my trip to the vet with Boba Fett.

Boba, my 2 1/2 old Boxer/Shepherd/Mutt mix, developed raw spots on each of his forepaws. Over the weekend I noticed that they had scabbed over. I called the vet and we headed in this morning.

Boba weighed in at 63 pounds. We went back into our little room. He whined like a hyena - he always does. The tech came in and Boba snapped at her... which was weird. The doc came in later and, after Boba snapped at him, muzzled my poor boy. It was very heartbreaking to see. He called him a "fear biter, the worst kind." Boba wasn't panicked but I haven't seen him that upset ever.

The doc looked at Boba's paws and was rather stumped (pun totally not intended... but you won't find that funny yet that 'cause I'm getting ahead of myself). It wasn't an allergic reaction. It wasn't a spider bite. It wasn't this. It wasn't that.

The doctor said more words but it sounded like this to me in the end...

Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Neurological. Blah blah blah. Dermata-blah blah blah. Laser treatment. Blah blah blah. Blah blah limb removal.

LIMB REMOVAL?!? Did he just say that? Did he mean to make my brain dump everything it had just heard? Limb removal?

The doc applied an anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal concoction he whipped up and told me to come back in a week. Now, I don't think that my boy is in danger of limb removal. But he put it out there. And he doesn't know what's up with his paws. So I don't want to worry and don't think I should but... you know, right? And these sores are on both paws. What dog owner would ever let their dog lose both front legs? I'm sure it's nothing... but c'mon! LIMB REMOVAL? You had to say that?


19 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 176.05 lbs. (175 lbs.) | 39.91% | 4.726% (8.8 lbs.)

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