Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Party, Employee of the Year, and the PS3 Giveaway

The Genscape Holiday Party was this weekend. It was a Viking blast (haven't pulled that one out in a while)! The party was at 21C again and they do such a fantastic job. The appetizers were out of this world. The bison sliders and brats were to die for. Watching Mike M. dirty dance with Coach Linahan was priceless (after which he leaned over to my wife and slurred, "You're pretty"). At one point I felt a pinch on my butt. I asked Jooj if she pinched my ass. She said no and I turned and there stood the CEO. Nice! I had a round of shooters with Hillary and the gang and then followed that up with another shooter with Brown-Downs. I looked over at Jooj and told her we had about 20 minutes before we needed to be home so we left, post-haste :)

So, a while back I mentioned that I had been nominated for Employee of the Year. I was deeply honored. As I stated before, I knew my chances were the slimmest of slim. So leading up to the announcement I was neither excited nor nervous. I did not win but Hillary, a close co-worker of mine, won the honor (and sweet piece of glass hardware!). She cried as she accepted it and it was very touching. She came down from the stage and came straight to me and told me that it was as much mine as it was hers. That was very sweet to hear. Even sweeter was when the CEO came to me later and told me that my name was seriously deliberated on for the award. That was very encouraging and makes me want to work *that* much harder to earn it next year. Keep your fingers crossed.

And finally, remember how I went to go see TRON and totally went to the wrong theater than my friends? Well, I later found out that a PS3 was given away that night. And then it turns out that it went to one of the tickets from our group. But then I misunderstood the story and realized every ticket holder walked away with a free PS3. Just my luck, right? I suppose that is what led me to believe this all to be true. HOWEVER...

It was all a gag. Steve and Eddie got me and they got me good. So if you heard me tell you the story about the free PS3s, please disregard, shake your head, roll your eyes, and call me a grade A moron. Sheesh!

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