Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bai Pandora

Got some bad news today. Pandora, the female bearded dragon, died while in the process of laying her third clutch of eggs. Will texted me. He says he isn't upset. Maybe he isn't. I am :(

One of my many roles as zookeeper was to keep the dragons healthy, including but not limited to dicing and providing fresh red peppers, feeding them crickets, sprinkling calcium over aforementioned crickets, spraying them with water, filling the aforementioned spray bottle with vitamin-fortified solution, cleaning their stank-ass poop, turning on their lights, turning off their lights, and changing out their sand (actually crushed walnut shells). I don't want to ponder what could've/should've/would've happened had the dragons still been under my care. Her passing just makes me sad.

Just another reminder of how so many facets of my life are changing.

W: 174.2 lbs. | O: 0 flosses, 23 brushes| P: 55.41% (Visa), 51.15% (MC), 22.90% (BoA) | R: 0 miles

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