Wednesday, July 20, 2011

(Lack of) Sleep

I'm pretty sure that the stress from work is causing me not only trouble falling asleep but also trouble staying asleep. I can function under many adverse conditions but I do not handle less than 7 hours of sleep well. Especially on consecutive days and I believe this is the third night in a row of 6 or less hours of interrupted sleep.

On a brighter note...

I've been a junior member of the Twilight Avengers in City of Heroes for a week now. During this junior period, while I am ranked as a Twilight Defender, I am supposed to find the right team for me (Red Team, Black Team, Green Team, Silver Team, Platinum Team). I've really gotten close to the two leaders of the Red Team and was wondering how to go about telling them that I would like to be considered for Red. Lo and behold, one of their members sent me a private message asking me to run a Task Force with them this Friday. Hells to the yeahs!!!

100% | 174.52 lbs. (175.5 lbs.) | 0% (0 of 128) | 16% (8 of 50) | 55.07% (201 of 365) | 112/55 lbs.

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