Saturday, March 27, 2010

$6 in aisle 6

What would you do?

I went into Walgreens the other day to pick up a prescription for Jooj. I walked down aisle 6 (the big, middle aisle with all of the seasonal stuff... Easter candy in this case - YUM!). I saw a woman standing there and behind her I spied $6 on the ground.

"Ma'am," I said. "Is this yours?" And I pointed to the $6.

She said no. And so the conundrum began. Do I take it? Do I turn it in? I have a witness, and she will judge me (probably not, but this is what was going on in my head). I still stood there, wondering what to do. If I turn it in, what is going to keep the clerk from pocketing it? What to do?!?!

I picked it up and turned it in. The clerk gave me a strange look. And that strange look telegraphed "Why the hell are you giving this to me when you know that *I* and everyone else in this store would keep it, sucker?"

Karma, I guess. You know, what goes around comes around? I know that's not karma exactly, but whatever.

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