Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Painting Update

I went to bed last night after a rather productive day. Here is where I stand:

Orchestra - About 75% painted and complete
Opera - Tracing complete
Ballet - Tracing complete (and it will be a BITCH to paint)
Theater - Background complete; ready for tracing

And here is the schedule for completion:

Finish painting Orchestra piece by 10AM
Begin and finish Opera piece by 4PM
Trace Theater piece and be finished by 6PM
Paint Ballet piece for 90 minutes and stop at 8:30PM
Paint all borders of all pieces (so they have plenty of time to dry) and be done by 9:30PM

Paint Ballet and be done by ???
Paint Theater piece after that (it's foreground color is black and is easiest to paint)

It will be a marathon to finish and the first leg is already behind me.


pat said...

Forget the Orchestra, no body hears or sees all thise string instuments, no one will notice. Good luck, I have faith, suck in the great weather if you get down, or call me and we can do tequila shots

silver said...

It's a good thing you don't have a 9-5 right now! ;)

DeadBrinley said...

No doubt. I can't imagine juggling all of this painting with a job, parenting, and husbandry (not the cultivation of crops and animals but, you know, being a good husband).