Monday, April 13, 2009

Everything at once

I've been so bad about keeping up with my blog. I blame it on working from home. I spend my day on the computer and don't feel up to spending any more time on it after I'm done for the day. It doesn't really make much sense because I used to come home and spend hours on it after work. I'm not even playing video games as much. I guess it's an adjustment.

Anyway, here is what has been going on, presented in short, randomly ordered, marginally run-on sentences...

Found a dog the other day. Realized it was the same dog as the dog in the Lost Dog paper on the STOP sign. Called the owner. Her name was Pixie. Dog. Not owner. She was happy. Owner and dog. Refused reward. Easter was awesome. Good Friday should be renamed Great Friday because of Mimi's Fish Fry. Met Lauren's beau. Man, his teeth are white. Served them both a beer (legally). Loved every minute of it. Jooj was sick. Another infection. Weak, weak, weak. We went to Immediate Care. She's feeling better. She made an appointment with my doctor. Yay! Saw "Speed Racer" again. I really like that movie. Watched "The Incredible Hulk." Was impressed. Not a big Hulk fan but entertaining. Caroline gave Kelsey a ton of old jeans. Bless your heart. Watched "Speed Racer" again with Wade. He loved it. Happy birthday Gerard Way! Cousin Curt had his first book published. "The Irish Witness." Kennedy assassination. Gonna check it out. Good to see both sides of family. Bridget's hair looked awesome. Little Emma is still adorable. Asked cousin Matt to play Hotspur in the comic that I'm planning. He said yes. Need to work on Barbara's paintings of her kids. Tobias needs to stop jumping on my desk and laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaying on the keyboard. Taking Jack to vet tomorrow. Growth on leg. Looks weird. Type too fast when I write like this. Wrists hurt. Cramping. Finished.

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