Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gotta get some cheer up in here!

My wife, Jooj, pointed out that my blog posts for November have all been very negative. I'd have to agree. So we need to get some cheer up in here! You know what's going wrong these days. What's going right?

Cleaning the litter box less has been a real joy. I've always enjoyed cooking but I'm finding quite a bit of peace in it this days. I figured out that adding turkey meat to my chili, an ingredient I've avoided for over a year, is what the ingredient that lets Kelsey add my chili back to her "will eat" list. I've discovered that I can make a mean pulled chicken BBQ. Will.i.am is doing very well in school. Kelsey has been in a terrific mood for two weeks (a rare feat for some 15-year old kids). I finished the painting "Spooky" and am about to get going on a series for my sister. My little niece Emma is growing and happy and such a joy to be around. Kyle is working on the built-in shelves in the living room and helping us move along our plans to convert that room into the library/study/home office. We've already started some Christmas shopping and hope to pay for everything with cash (instead of credit). And my wife *loves* the state of Texas (if you know, you know).

Hmm, that's about all I can think of but that's a pretty good list, yeah?

I won't bother to mention in this post about my brother-in-law's father or the office news (save those for another day)...

1 comment:

Nikoli said...

I know your problem sir... no skate...