Monday, August 18, 2008

My Morning Jacket concert

The wife and daughter and I went to the My Morning Jacket concert last night on the Great Lawn. I know a few of their songs and dig them. Julie's cousin has been dating the drummer, Patrick, forever so we were pretty much obligated to go. We met up with part of her family as well as my sister and brother-in-law and my cousins Rachel and Matt. We brought folding chairs and had great seats. The company was great and the show was terrific!

In keeping with my newfound tradition (starting with the My Chemical Romance concert over at ) of blogging about the highlights, here are mine in no particular order:

* Glowstick explosion - At certain crucial points in songs large amounts (I'm talking dozens at a time) of glow sticks were hurled into the air. This went on throughout the night. It was fun to watch!

* Seeing my daughter rock out with her Poppi - Julie's father is hip and it was cool seeing three generations of the family representing at the concert.

* Booze and drugs - The amount of drug use at the place was comical. I was worried about the impression it would leave on Kelsey but she rolled with it and we laughed together. And the alcohol was flowing freely. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were hammered. My poor sister-in-law was so smashed that she fell over... TWICE!

It was a good time had by all. I can't wait to do it again!

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