Friday, December 30, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 9

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Lucky # Slevin

Worked harder than I wanted to today. Went to Preston Art Center to pick up some canvases. Went to the bank to sign some paperwork. Went home and watched the rest of Inception. Went to mamaw's to celebrate her birfday. Came home and watched some random bowl games. Phone died (thankfully). Stayed up late watching Archer: Season 2.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 8

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Lucky # Slevin

Watched Red and the first half of Inception tonight with mom.

Red was a silly movie, filled with a little action and a little humor. Mom liked it. I suppose I did. I just expected more from a cast that included Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, and John Malkovich. They had fun onscreen. So I suppose it wasn't supposed to be a serious movie. It was based from a DC comic, which I did not know (or maybe I did and just didn't bother remembering).

We started watching Inception immediately after. But we stopped midway through after mom admitted she was getting tired. Inception is simply not a movie you watch when tired - you will miss "it".

Two days left, 3 1/2 movies left to go.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 7

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are Lucky # Slevin

No movies watched. I worked. I hung with the boy. I watched the Cards lose. I stayed up too late playing GalCiv2.

I have decided that I do not want to watch Where the Wild Things Are. I'm moody enough as it is these days. I'm replacing it with Lucky # Slevin, an old favorite of mine.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 6

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

It was Harry Potter Tuesday with a double-feature of Deathly Hallows. I'm gonna be honest - I've enjoyed the Harry Potter films but I always leave them confused and full of questions. It wasn't a problem when my sister was just a phone call away and was still fresh with the books. But she read those years ago and isn't the fountain of Hogwart's lore that she once was.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was a meandering film. It was the setup. It was the windup before the pitch. And it was boring. Not only did I not know what was going on with the main characters, I did not care. There was this supposed sense of urgency but I had no frame of reference on the passage of time. Of all the movies thus far, I feel this one relied heaviest on the viewer bringing their own knowledge to the movie. I am certain things of consequence were happening onscreen. As one who hasn't read the books, I just didn't know it. I do want to mention how bad ass I thought the whole sequence was explaining the story of the Deathly Hallows. It was fantastic story-telling.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was the big payoff. It started with the same moment as the first one ended. And it was a fuckin' ride the entire time. No holds barred. This movie was exciting from start to finish. It built on the previous films and came together marvelously. I am certain it did not do the immensity of the books justice but it performed quite well on film.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 5

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

No movies were viewed today. I slept in and then spent the day with my little buddy. I took him to Gamestop and spoiled him for Christmas. Came home after spending all day at Hatler and watched the last Monday Night Football game of the season.

In other major developments, North and South Korea ratified a peace accord. Joking! However, Jooj and I have put the nastiness behind us and are moving forward again amicably. Yay for us!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 4 (Merry Christmas)

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Over half done nearly just a quarter through!

Christmas breakfast was followed by a triple feature this afternoon: True Grit, Ip Man, and Star Trek. Mom even asked what we were going to be watching tonight before realizing that the Packers were playing the Bears tonight.

Man-o-man, the new True Grit... my friend Debes summed it up best: "instant classic." I can't wait to see it again. Jeff "Lebowski" Bridges is the fucking man.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 3 (Christmas Eve)

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Five down, ten to go.

Spent the day with family. Met my dad's side for family time at my mamaw's house at noon. I don't know how many more people we could have fit into that house. It was packed. And that family is growing so fast I can honestly say I don't know a good deal of them any longer.

Came back home. I changed into comfy cozies. On top of eye issues and double ear infections I think I've also picked up a cold. Fantastic!

Dinner at 5:30pm with the immediate family. Presents after that. The kids (including me) were stoked. They got awesome toys. I got awesome clothes - a nice scarf, a new Polo, a very nice wool trench, and some Crocs. Melisssss also got me a cute little plush Boba Fett with a JGumbo's gift card... so thoughtful! A stocking full of candy and fruit rounded out the haul.

We had started White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye earlier in the afternoon before watching Will Farrell's Elf (bonus Christmas movies!). So after everyone left we finished White Christmas. It was cute... for a 1954 film. After that mom, dad, and I knocked one more off my list - the Coen brother's Burn After Reading. Great film, so funny, so quirky.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 2

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2 (came in the mail today)
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Wrapped presents, did some laundry, and helped clean the house today. Still suffering a double-ear infection and also waging a seemingly losing battle against the eczema on my eyelids (steroids in my eyes and another steroid, which under no circumstances should touch my eyeball lest I tempt cataracts and blindness, on my lid... JEEBUS CHRISTMAS), so I thought it would be a good time to fit in one of the longer movies from the list: Avatar. I told mom and dad is was like Dances With Wolves in space. They dug it... but their little minds weren't ready for the over-3 hour director's extended cut. I think they were ready to check out after the first disc :)

Went to the UofL basketball game tonight with Debes. Had a blast, as I knew I would. I dropped off Linahan's copy of Archer: Season 2 on his desk before the game. Then after the game I snagged it and promised to deliver it this weekend.

After I got home I figured I'd sneak in another movie before bed time: Sucker Punch. I saw it in the theater and, frankly, that is probably where one should see it. It was good, and dad loved it (his favorite of the bunch so far), but it lacked the punch it delivered when viewed on the big screen (pun totes intended).

Christmas festivities begin tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll be doing much movie viewing. Plus I promised Ger that I would log onto CoH tomorrow night. Oh, and gratz to Ger who has been promoted to Red Team leader. Go Red!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days

I'm in a movie watching mood and plan on watching the following fifteen movies over the next ten days:

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2 (pre-ordered, shipping before Christmas)
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

* Denotes a movie I've never even seen

Watched Alice in Wonderland and Batman: The Dark Knight today. Several trailers came out this week - one of which was for Batman: Dark Knight Rises. That got me in the mood for The Dark Knight. Plus mom and dad hadn't seen it yet and I wanted them to see Heath Ledger in his second-to-last performance.

For the record, the other trailers were for The Hobbit, Jack the Giant Killer, Wrath of the Titans, and Prometheus. I'm pretty jazzed about all of them!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hilurtviyscavtrwfedy p?!?!

"Will and I ate vey hilurtviyscavtrwfedy p"

What the hell does that even mean?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kids' Holiday Party

Emma and Babuke made it to the holiday party this afternoon and we all had a flippin' blast! We saw the Chik-fil-A cow (Luke DID NOT like the cow but eventually built up the courage to give him a high five). We made cookies. We ate the cookies. We drank Juicy Juice (100% juice, right?). We saw Santa Claus (another high five was delivered by Lukey). Emma was so patient waiting in line for a creation from the balloon guy. Luke and I ran around the office. We ate chicken. He hit up Amrita's candy cache - Reece's Pieces, M&Ms, Crunch bars, and suckers. I changed a big ol' nasty diaper in the bathroom. Luke and I rode the elevator. The balloon guy twisted up a pink elephant for Emma and a Lightning McQueen for Luke. They went home jacked up on sugar. Hopefully at some point they went asleep.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pretty good day

Woke up with a 6am text. Fell back asleep thinking about things. Woke up and struck an accord with Jooj. Not the best deal for me but I think it will work out best for us in the long-run. Showered, shaved, dressed. Good news from the cleaners. Pay day! Productive morning. Skyline for lunch with Debes. Productive day. Left early to go to the bank. Got mortgage straightened out. Car loan didn't quite work out. Oh well. Delicious dinner of sun-dried tomatoes, asparagus, and portobello mushrooms in pasta. Mickey Mouse Club and Agent Oso. Run over to Hatler. Move some furniture. Chill with Jooj. Hug kids. Pack up a few things. Eat some pizza. Head to Best Buy. Pick up keyboard and mouse and a $10 copy of Inglorious Basterds. Come home. Talk with mom and dad. Watch football. Play Plants Versus Zombies. Nightly concert from dad. Blog. Budget. Think about what kind of desk I'm going to buy. Sleep.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Studio Move

I have my paints and brushes and jars back with me. It's not quite a full-blown studio move but it's a start. I was so inspired by the Willem de Kooning exhibit at the MoMA in NYC. I hated it that things turned out the way they did after I got back. I'd like to be back in that creative frame of mind again. I was truly ready to squeeze some creative juices out.

Ew, that came out a little gross.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fell asleep a winner...

... but woke up a loser.

The overnight points adjustment ruined the FFL championship run for the Wyld Stallyns. Some bad coaching decisions doomed us as early as Thursday night's game. I just had so much going on that FFL was not a priority. Drats!

So while our opponent will be battling in the semi-finals the Wyld Stallyns (7-5, 1-1) will be scrapping it for third place. Can't wait 'til next year.

In other FFL news, the L'ville Gunners (4-8, 1-0) crushed their opponent over the last two-week play-off game and will be playing in the consolation brackets for fifth over the next two weeks.

I do so love FFL. But I'm always glad when it's over. Then I can stop worrying about stats and just watch some damn football.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Lawd...

... won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?

Actually, ignore that request. I just bought one for myself tonight :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Last post

This will be my last post for a while. The words that I write, and even the words I don't write, are being used against me.

Funny, I was just telling someone yesterday that, of all my resolutions, blogging everyday was the one I thought I would drop first. As it turns out, completing that task was well in hand.

Adios. Ciao. Bai.

80.01% | 173.53 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 91.51% (334 of 365)